Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tragedy unfolds at Boston Marathon

I would like to dedicate today's blog post to those runners and their families affected by the horrible tragedy at the Boston Marathon bombings.

Two explosions went off close to the finish line at the Boston Marathon event at about 14:50 Boston local time, killing three people and injuring many others. It is still unclear who was behind this attack and US authorities have launched a potential terrorist inquiry.

It was said that 375 Britons and 41 Austrians had signed up to take part in the race, according to the news luckily all of them remained unharmed. 23,000 took part in yesterday's race and it was watched by thousands of spectators.

The Boston Marathon is one of the six major annual running events and is usually held on Patriot's Day, a Massachusetts state holiday.

When I first heard of the news I was shocked and saddened. The images and videos of the scene describe a chaotic aftermath of what was meant to be a joyful event. My immediate thoughts went out to the runners who I knew would take part in this year's marathon.

As I turned to social media for updates I read many tweets that echoed my reaction of shock, horror and sadness. But also, I read about brave runners who ran to the hospitals to give blood and people helping online by retweeting information for victims on where to find help. In all this chaos and despair I found the running community coming closer together and helping each other when help is needed most. It made me proud to be a runner and be part of such a strong and relentless community.

Tonight's run I will dedicate to all those people affected by the tragic events and to those who have a long way of recovery ahead of them of the physically and emotionally scaring events.

Join in the conversation on Twitter with hash tag #BostonMarathon and #PrayersForBoston.

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